Ting Wang  –  Six Photographs

 Minimal Simplicity

 Minimal Simplicity

An Otherworldly Pub

An Otherworldly Pub

Ghostly Intrigue

Ghostly Intrigue


Mystic Romance

Mystic Romance


 World Affairs in a Flash

 World Affairs in a Flash


Space of Art

Space of Art


Artist’s Statement on Beauty

When I was little, my dad had our walls decorated with calligraphy scrolls featuring ancient Chinese poetry. He and my mom grew different-colored chrysanthemum in dozens of pots in our courtyard. On some crisp summer mornings, he would gather me and my sisters in front of our water lily pond he built and take photos of us. Beauty then was the elegance and serenity that were surrounding me and my family.

Over time, the notion of beauty has evolved and expanded for me.

To me, beauty is diverse, subjective and idiosyncratic, although beauty is something we can relate to universally at times. Beauty is what makes us pause, wonder, and marvel, and what essentially touches us and makes us appreciate this life and this world. Beauty is what elevates us out of our mundane, humdrum existence to another level of being, awareness, and imagination.

I have a particularly soft spot for Impressionism, the beauty of the fleeting moment, through colors, light, and shadows. In my eyes, that is a kind of ethereal, transcendental beauty that can lead one to an enchanting realm of fantasy and poetics.


Ting Wang is passionate about photography and literary translation. Her translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Asymptote, Denver Quarterly, The Iowa Review, The Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and elsewhere.  She holds a Ph.D. from the School of Communication at Northwestern University, and lives and works in the Washington metropolitan area.