LatestCarolyn Martin – Three Poems
In the nano-second before I consciously register a sunset or spring’s first bleeding heart or the image in a favorite poem, there’s a visceral reaction that precedes my brain’s focusing.
LatestFlo Au – Shadows
The weather is congenial with the sun blazing. Now she leans onto the railing, stretches her back forward, lifts her head towards the brightest part of the translucent blue sky.
LatestIsaac Stackhouse Wheeler – Three Translations from the Russian of Aleksey Porvin
reading a poem well entails thinking like a person of faith reading a sacred text—you must assume that every feature of the language is significant and every choice was a deliberate one that could not have been made any better.
LatestKaren Petersen – A Special Realm
Recognizing and responding to beauty is more about its appeal to a higher, spiritual nature which is innate, and perhaps our saving grace--as we are mostly brutes.
LatestA Temple of Iron – Our 2018 Pushcart Nominations
So there I was, minding my own business, lifting heavy things and putting them back down. I had abandoned the bear cave for an iron temple of my own making. And Brodin had turned his countenance towards this new temple, and he smiled upon it, and he blessed it for the sacred gainz and for the pursuit of the Swole. Wheymen.
LatestCarolyn Martin – Three Poems
In the nano-second before I consciously register a sunset or spring’s first bleeding heart or the image in a favorite poem, there’s a visceral reaction that precedes my brain’s focusing.
Mish – Eight Photographs
Wantonness and messiness aren’t the same; just ask Robert Herrick.