Author: Kathleen Fitzpatrick

James Robison – Less

I believe it is bad luck to speak of beauty before the fact, or theoretically. This belief doesn’t stop me. I know that there is an alchemical relation between form and function and that this corporation has produced some of the most beautiful objects possible. Marine propellers, for example, or catamarans. Beauty is about sorrow and loss and while this is obvious in, say, Michelangelo’s Pieta, it’s less so in the young, radiantly smiling faces of Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe.

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Lorraine Caputo – Five Poems

Beauty surrounds us. It is in the first crocus against a bed of soft snow, a blue morpho butterfly fluttering through the jungle growth, polychrome mountains against a cloudless sky. It is beyond the visual, also – the chanting of a predawn procession, fresh-baked bread on a Sunday morning, the burst of a ripe strawberry as you bite into it, an embrace

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A. Elizabeth Herting – The Intruder

“Merry Christmas, Charlie,” he chuckles, his eyes bright with amusement. “The next time you come home to visit and stay out all night with your friends, please do remember to bring a key.”

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Alyssa Yankwitt – Four Photographs

…and there it is: the beauty. it is not in the spinning, dizzying maze; the tea leaves are ineffectual against ephemera (everything lives in fragments). but there it is: the beauty. the beauty, which is seldom found in the translation, but rather in the wanting to know how.

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David M. Harris – The Art of Painting a Room

When I lived in Manhattan, I found West 10th Street beautiful. Now, in rural Tennessee, I get as much pleasure from the belted Galloway cattle. Much of beauty seems to depend on what you get to see, on what is around you.

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