r soos – Two Poems
I paint deep eyes on the white canvas
they collapse in determined melodic chants
and hunt the song of uncommon shadows
while I draw in the belly, shoulders, and hair
the stomach pulses with laughter
and the shoulders dance
the hair unwinds and becomes difficult
because the eyes begin to dazzle
the painting begins to watch my nervous
trembling as I reach for more drink
the feet are no different than the softness
of other painted feet
yet they pace the floor giggling madly
the clothing I paint loose
this painting is left undone
I will not watch the lips and fingers blossom
their own knowledge – I cannot
I sweep the studio clean
and go home to finish the bottle
tomorrow I’ll buy a new canvas
working on the same painting
we sense quiet at the tip of the brush
birds obscured by lines of dropping snow
the trees in the winter field covered and plush
sudden quick chills cause you to blush
the silence between us continues to grow
we sense quiet at the tip of the brush
colors weave together creating a shush
on the canvas revealing time moving slow
the trees in the winter field covered and plush
we savor the truth that there’s no need to rush
time brings us closer to something to know
we sense quiet at the tip of the brush
my lips form words thoughts quickly crush
your strokes shape visions of something below
the trees in the winter field covered and plush
fabric we’ve covered has caused such a hush
the good love between us can steadily glow
we sense quiet at the tip of the brush
the trees in the winter field covered and plush
Author’s Statement on Beauty
when you see inside
the beauty of the whole world
shines forth from the depths

r soos has been published in over 200 print magazines, and has 20 books of poetry, including Somersaults With Life (Realities Library, 2016), Parting/Departing (Realities Library, 2015), Selected Poems 2015-2016(Realities Library, 2015), Bringing In The Sheets (Realities Library, 2012), Insecurities (Redwood Family, 2005), Fiddlin’ Around In Sabinal (Redwood Family, 2003), Guitars (Redwood Family, 2001), Train of Love (Redwood Family, 2001), Moaning & Groaning (Redwood Family, 1999), California Breeze (Redwood Family, 1998),Garden Songs (Carpenter’s Creative Review, 1995), The Son is Breaking Through (Carpenter’s Creative Review, 1992), and His Power (Carpenter’s Creative Review, 1988). His poetry appears online in Tuck, Leaves of Ink, Micropoetry, Random Poem Tree. More at rsoos.com.