Pat St. Pierre – Five Photographs
Artist’s Statement on Beauty
Look out on a beautiful spring or summer day and you’ll see the delicate splendor of the flowers. Morning and evening sunrises and sunsets open up a whole new world with their intensity. What could be more perfect than an autumn day with exquisite red, orange, and yellow leaves bursting with color. The sea, the sky, and the landscapes with their formations and colors bring a sense of awe and admiration to us. Yes, the viewer gets the benefit of the external beauty which is all around us. Internal beauty is a little harder to explain but it captivates the person as he presents himself to the world. Who cannot see perfection in the face of a smiling baby as he looks up at his mother.
It is the role of the “artist” to portray beauty as he sees it. We as observers then can become united with the artist.
Pat St. Pierre is a freelance writer of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for adults and children. She is also a freelance photographer. Her work can be viewed at A Long Story Short, Sediments, Gravel, Fiction 365, The Feathered Flounder, and elsewhere. More at: