KJ Hannah Greenberg – Six Photographs
Artist’s Statement on Beauty
When framing nature, I like using the muted light, which follows a storm, or which becomes available at dawn and dusk. Beyond that attention to a setting’s relative brightness and contrast, I try to work with whatever’s at hand. The Boss has constructed an entire universe, literally, of beauty which is impossible for man to replicate, and which is precious to represent.
KJ Hannah Greenberg captures the world in words and images. Her latest photography portfolio is 20/20: KJ Hannah Greenberg Eye on Israel, http://camelsaloonisrael.blogspot.co.il/. Her most recent poetry collections are Mothers Ought to Utter Only Niceties (Unbound CONTENT, 2017) and A Grand Sociology Lesson (Lit Fest Press, Sept. 2016). Her most recent fiction collections are Concatenation (Bards & Sages Publishing, 2018), and Can I be Rare, Too? (Bards & Sages Publishing, 2017).