Paul Beckman – Five Photographs

Sleeping by Fabrice Poussin

Sun Bird

Storm by Fabrice Poussin

Bald Eagle – Guilford CT

World Afire by Fabrice Poussin

Owl — Tanzania


Weary by Fabrice Poussin

Swan Family — Madison CT


Weary by Fabrice Poussin

Great Egrets — Madison CT


Artist’s Statement on Beauty

Birds add beauty to my world and especially birds in marsh land. Their long necks twist and turn and their heads are in and out of the marsh water catching food. Their long legs and strides lead them as if they knew exactly where they’re going. The birds flying, soaring, catching the thermals often in groups of hundreds or even thousands in the with swallows put on a show and it’s like watching a playground in the sky. Beauty is everywhere if we look and I carry my camera with me trying  to record the memories.


Paul Beckman has two story collections, Peek and Come! Meet My Family and other stories. He has had over 300 of his stories published in print, on line in the following magazines as well as others: Literary Orphans , Matter Press, Thrice Fiction, The Airgonaught, and Jellyfish Review. He runs the monthly FBomb flash fiction reading series at KGB. His story, “Brother Speak” was selected for the 2018 Norton Microfiction Anthology. Beckman’s new collection of flash and micro stories, Kiss Kiss (Truth Serum Press), will be out in March of 2018. More at: