Category: Non-Fiction

Katacha Díaz – Machu Picchu Beckons

I have travelled all over the world and visited more than 30 countries to gather material for my stories and articles.  I undertake a project because I want to immerse myself in the subject, learn more about it, and take my readers on a journey with words

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Sara Martin – Coquinas

Our task is to pay attention, to notice that glint of sunlight on the water, the drops of dew on blades of grass, the red flash of a cardinal against a gray winter day, fireflies blinking in the dark, and stars scattered like glitter across the black northern sky.

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Donna Mulvenna – Freedom to Roam

Humans have an inner compass that guides them toward beauty. The Japanese have a word for it, kachou fuugetsu which literally means Flower Bird Wind Moon but commonly translates to “experience the beauty of nature, learn about yourself”

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Brandi Jo Nyberg – Seneca Rocks

Beauty is a flash flood in the desert. The blooming of fireweed and arctic lupine. Beauty is turquoise, milky glacial waters rushing past alpenglow mountains. A vulture soaring in a cloudless blue sky. A sun-bleached bone resting in the sand. The way wind whispers through the trees. The smell of dark earth after rain. Beauty exists within the small moments of solitude I am granted in nature.

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